Sleep hygiene is a very intricate part of what makes a successful night’s sleep. Having good sleep hygiene is the practice of various methods to improve the quality and effectiveness of your sleep. Sleep hygiene is crucial for both mental and physiological processes, that will affect the everyday life in patients who engage in healthy sleep hygiene practices.
There are multiple ways to improve sleep hygiene. According to the National Sleep Foundation;” One of the most important sleep hygiene practices is to spend an appropriate amount of time asleep in bed. Not too little or too excessive.” The time of required sleep can greatly vary depending on age and lifestyle but aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. More tips include; Limiting napping to 30 minutes, as this time frame can improve your overall mood and alertness. Near bedtime, Avoid products that have stimulants in them such as caffeine or nicotine. Consistency is key when it comes to sleep hygiene, so try to commit a certain time that’s dedicated to sleeping. By doing this your body can acclimate to getting tired at this time and over time, it will become more natural to sleep at that time.
One last tip, possibly the most important is taking away all distractions or activities away from the bedroom that isn’t involved with sleeping. Examples may be watching TV, reading in bed, or using electronic devices such as laptops and cell phones in bed. All of these stimulate your brain which is the opposite of what you want when preparing to sleep. If these steps are followed and implement them in nightly routine, your best night sleep can be just one night away.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Options.”, 2 May 2018,
“Sleep Apnea.” National Sleep Foundation, National Sleep Foundation,
Wolkove, Norman et al. “Long-term compliance with continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea” Canadian respiratory